406 Prisoners On Death Row In India: NCRB

by GoNews Desk 4 years ago Views 2820

406 Prisoners On Death Row In India: NCRB
Even as death row convicts in the Nirbhaya case have been in the news in capital Delhi in the past few days, latest government figures reveal that 406 convicts are spending their last days in prisons across the country.

These figures are just 0.3% of the total number of prisoners. It is notable here that the death penalty is imposed only in the rarest-of-rare cases in India.  

Latest NCRB figures show there are 406 prisoners on the death row in India by end December 2018, of which 186 convicts were pronounced death sentence in 2018 alone.

The harshest punishment in India - death penalty - is pronounced only when a culprit commits the most heinous crime.

NCRB figures show that the largest number of death row convicts is in Maharashtra, where 76 convicts have been given the capital punishment. After this, in Uttar Pradesh 44, in Madhya Pradesh 40, in West Bengal 37, in Karnataka 26 and in Delhi 14 cases people have been given the death penalty.

On the other hand, nobody has been sentenced to death in Telangana, Goa, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Sikkim, Tripura, Mizoram and Nagaland.

Figures also reveal that in 2018, the death penalty of 65 convicts had been commuted to life sentence.

Several people have been demanding that criminals should be sentenced to death for offences of a serious nature so that it acts as a deterrent for others. However, figures make it clear that in India, the death penalty is being given only in the rarest-of-rare cases.

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